I believe that dying is not a medical experience, but rather a sacred and special time in our lives that should be treated with such care. With the right preparation and open communication, I believe that death can, and should be, a beautiful ending to the wonderful chapters we write. Doula is the Greek word for “woman who serves” and it is often associated with childbirth. These days, it is more and more common that doulas are helping people with leaving the world. They provide informational, physical, and emotional support for you or your loved ones to help navigate through complicated aspects of life, leading to a good death. As an End of Life Doula, I can help ensure you are able to make the best-informed decisions possible about your final days or those you love.

Patricia is trained and certified by INELDA (the International End of Life Doula Association) and has been a practicing beginning-of-life, mid-life, and end-of-life coach/doula for many years to support others in their final chapter of life

“Death is an integral part of life, as natural and predictable as being born.”

- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross